18th February
The artist Andy Stringer came back into the gallery for an extremely interesting, and ultimately humbling, discussion and critique about my work in general, and the Cracktown v1.0 blog world in particular. Thank you Andy for the time and consideration you took in evaluating my work, and for your almost-stream-of-consciousness printed essay. The psycho-social/psycho-sexual evaluation of Cracktown v1.0 (and of myself?) was particularly interesting, as well as the beginning section of the essay that detailed an imaginary conversation between observing members of my audience (“and who the fuck is Chris Morris???” indeed!). I may well put the full essay up on here or http://www.barringtonarts.com/ soon, if Andy agrees.
For more information about Andy Stringer, see here.
20th February
I’m nearing the end of the King’s Lynn stage of the tour now, and I’m lucky enough that people are still visiting, and re-visiting, the Cracktown v1.0 gallery show in high numbers. Local children, some as young as 7 years old, have ventured in to point out which works of graffiti were actually created by them – leading me to believe that most of the graffiti in Lynn has indeed been spray-painted by virtual toddlers-with-attitude. In any case, the kids seem to be proud and boastful that their work has finally been framed and screwed onto the glaringly white walls of a gallery.
I am now constantly worried – to the point of paranoia; as it is school holidays during this final week of the show, I am highly concerned that a mischievous child with too much time on its hands will burst into the gallery, nick my insect syringes from the window display (which seem to transfix the eager eyes of passing juvenile gangs), and run off cackling into the wind with them. I am keeping an almost-constant eye on the situation, inbetween healthy slugs from my stock of Sainsbury’s Value Cider (£1.12 for two litres – bargain).
The artist Andy Stringer came back into the gallery for an extremely interesting, and ultimately humbling, discussion and critique about my work in general, and the Cracktown v1.0 blog world in particular. Thank you Andy for the time and consideration you took in evaluating my work, and for your almost-stream-of-consciousness printed essay. The psycho-social/psycho-sexual evaluation of Cracktown v1.0 (and of myself?) was particularly interesting, as well as the beginning section of the essay that detailed an imaginary conversation between observing members of my audience (“and who the fuck is Chris Morris???” indeed!). I may well put the full essay up on here or http://www.barringtonarts.com/ soon, if Andy agrees.
For more information about Andy Stringer, see here.
20th February
I’m nearing the end of the King’s Lynn stage of the tour now, and I’m lucky enough that people are still visiting, and re-visiting, the Cracktown v1.0 gallery show in high numbers. Local children, some as young as 7 years old, have ventured in to point out which works of graffiti were actually created by them – leading me to believe that most of the graffiti in Lynn has indeed been spray-painted by virtual toddlers-with-attitude. In any case, the kids seem to be proud and boastful that their work has finally been framed and screwed onto the glaringly white walls of a gallery.
I am now constantly worried – to the point of paranoia; as it is school holidays during this final week of the show, I am highly concerned that a mischievous child with too much time on its hands will burst into the gallery, nick my insect syringes from the window display (which seem to transfix the eager eyes of passing juvenile gangs), and run off cackling into the wind with them. I am keeping an almost-constant eye on the situation, inbetween healthy slugs from my stock of Sainsbury’s Value Cider (£1.12 for two litres – bargain).
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