Wednesday, 4 April 2007

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Transmission .I.

This morning I submitted three photographic works to the Open Source Resistance website - a platform that describes itself as: " attempt to bring together people who have messages and broadcast networks to get those messages out. This is an attempt to start a grass-roots militia, so ordinary people can fight to prevent a world where civil rights AND natural resources are both being strip-mined for the convenience of multinational corporations and People Who Know They Are Right."

Check it out here:

The 3 pieces I submitted are: 'From The Mouths of Babel', 'Petroleumism' (exclusive work), and 'A Microsoft Message' (exclusive work).

My Original Email to OSR:

`\`.\`///// Transmission I


Please find attached, some raw Globalisation/Bush-whacked photographs I shot last month in a desecrated industrial complex close to my home, deliberately free from slogans or quotations, for any such use as you seem fit.

My website, with further galleries and access to various images of similar themes and atmos:

[] [] [] Over and out...[\\\\


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